
09/19/2022 Ecology

Food no one eats

Each year, millions of tonnes of food in Europe are thrown away. As consumers, we are responsible for a large part of this waste.

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09/19/2022 Production Ecology

Seasonal Around the Globe

Those who care about the environment usually strive to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, grown outdoors and harvested when ripe. But when is that exactly, and how big of an impact does transport have? A closer look reveals unexpected answers.

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08/17/2022 Fair Trade

How do we stay in touch with over 10'000 family farmers?

Around 60 employees in Togo and Burkina Faso pay regular visits to the family farmers who supply us with their mangos, cashews, cocoa or soy. Our business model wouldn't work without these field agents. We spoke to two of them about their day-to-day work and the challenges they encounter.

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