
06/23/2022 Fair Trade

Profit-Sharing in Togo: Amount Doubled

This year, we have shared our turnover with 587 family farmers in Togo. We were able to increase the amount paid by a whopping 130 percent. We transferred the money to most of the families directly via their mobile phones – an advantage for both sides.

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06/09/2022 Production

Lone organic pioneers in Tunisia

Skaya, our Tunisian almond and pistachio supplier, has been engaged in organic farming for around 20 years. It is nonetheless difficult to find more organic producers. This is due to a lack of infrastructure and subsidies, but also due to the mindset.

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06/08/2022 Recipes & more Fonio

Recipe: Sweet Vanilla Fonio

The recipe is from Martin, former employee at gebana. He's from Benin, where he learned how to cook with Fonio. The milk porridge is somewhat similar to porridge and makes a delicious breakfast, snack or light supper.

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05/31/2022 Ecology

Contents Matter More than Packaging

Is packaging really such a major environmental issue? There's no simple way to answer this question. We must consider the entire life cycle of packaging, understand its purpose and look at what the packaging contains. Because what's inside the packaging matters more than the packaging itself.

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05/24/2022 Company

What constitutes a good price?

Food is too cheap! Food is too expensive! Discussions about pricing seem to go round in circles. But it's actually quite simple: We want to create as much of a positive impact as possible – for people and the planet – at the lowest possible price.

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05/17/2022 Company

We're lowering our prices

gebana's products may sometimes be a little more expensive than you're used to. There are many complex reasons for this, and they are linked to our costs. Find out how our prices are calculated and how we're reducing them.

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