

06/26/2023 Production Insights

Premium bag-in-box wine

Wine that's sold in bag-in-box packaging is often viewed as inferior – unfairly so! We've added quality wines from two Swiss producers to our range, all packaged as boxed wine, which offers several advantages.

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01/04/2023 Production Ecology

Testing For The Future

Agroforestry has been a key development in sustainable and organic agriculture for some time. But it's still much further along in theory than in practice. This is why our Greek partner Anyfion is cultivating a test and demonstration field. We took a closer look at the field in October 2022.

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09/19/2022 Production Ecology

Seasonal Around the Globe

Those who care about the environment usually strive to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, grown outdoors and harvested when ripe. But when is that exactly, and how big of an impact does transport have? A closer look reveals unexpected answers.

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06/30/2022 Production

The Dilemma of Standards and Half-Standards

Switzerland once had over 15 million standard trees. Today, Swiss fruit is grown on half-standard trees or bush trees. And only a small percentage is organically grown. But what does all this mean exactly? We spoke to two producers to find out.

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06/09/2022 Production

Lone organic pioneers in Tunisia

Skaya, our Tunisian almond and pistachio supplier, has been engaged in organic farming for around 20 years. It is nonetheless difficult to find more organic producers. This is due to a lack of infrastructure and subsidies, but also due to the mindset.

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03/30/2022 Production Insights

What is Honey Processed Coffee?

In coffee production, the soil, location and climate of the regions in which our coffee is grown determine its taste. But what happens to the coffee immediately after harvesting plays an equally important role when it comes to aroma. And this is where the honey processing method stands out.

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