


Fonio from Togo

Some agricultural products from Europe are so cheap in Africa that local family farmers are unable to move their goods. Subsidies and our highly industrialised agriculture are to blame. To raise awareness of this issue, we're now importing grain from West Africa to Europe.

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Organic market in decline

Sales in the organic market are declining for the first time in 20 years. The entire industry is in crisis. We're also feeling the effects.

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11/23/2022 Fair Trade

How sharing changes reality

Family farmers don't earn enough. As a result, many of them live in poverty. We increase their income by sharing with them what we earn from the sale of their products. As we can now see, the gebana model has brought about real change.

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How to ripen kiwis

The kiwi is like a quick-change artist, going from rock-hard and sour one moment to juicy and aromatic the next. We explain why kiwis keep ripening after harvest and the best way to ripen them at home.

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