Recipe: Green Banana Miso

Did you know you can use green bananas to make your own miso? All you need is the right equipment and a little patience. Recipe by Edible Alchemy.
Did you know you can use green bananas to make your own miso? All you need is the right equipment and a little patience. Recipe by Edible Alchemy.
If you'd like to enjoy a little tropical spirit, go ahead and try out this granola recipe. It’s also ideal if you have a few overripe bananas left over from the last delivery.
Eating banana peels? Sure! With this curry you can use the whole fruit and leave no waste behind. Just make sure to use organic bananas. Recipe by Lenna Omrani,
Green bananas are an excellent ingredient for a warming stew. Combined with black beans, they drive away thoughts of the wet and cold spectacle that takes place outside our windows in winter. Recipe by Anna Lena Schmidt, Anna.Culina
In Puerto Rico people have found a very special use for bananas: They cook lasagna with them. The dish is called Pastelón. In our version it is vegan and gluten-free. Recipe by Sarah-Vanessa Schneider, Velvet & Vinegar
A little African, a little Creole, with a personal twist – this is how Nicole Giger describes the curry she prepares with green bananas. The dish can be served with rice or pita. Recipe by Nicole Giger, Mag’s Frisch
As inspiration for using nutritious bananas, we would like to give you a recipe for a delicious banana fruit smoothie.