Recipe: Peanut and Banana Curry
A little African, a little Creole, with a personal twist – this is how Nicole Giger describes the curry she prepares with green bananas. The dish can be served with rice or pita. Recipe by Nicole Giger, Mag’s Frisch
Recipes & more
A little African, a little Creole, with a personal twist – this is how Nicole Giger describes the curry she prepares with green bananas. The dish can be served with rice or pita. Recipe by Nicole Giger, Mag’s Frisch
Very salty oranges that smell lovely and fragrant but are too salty to eat alone. Combine with other dishes, raw or cooked. Recipe by Alexis Goertz, Edible Alchemy
The season for our Greek mini Modellino water melons is approaching! So, a good time to pick up a few recipes to try out this year. How practical it is that blogger Corinna Frei has several fantastic water melon recipes ready on her Schüsselglück food blog.
People always want to know: "What do I do with 13 kilos of oranges?" We just shake our heads and smile, because we all know that those 13 kilos will be gone in a flash. But if you actually find this amount to be a lot, you might want to try this recipe from one of our customers, Peter Schneider. It also works with other citrus fruits.
Bananas are always the same shade of yellow. That’s a shame, because we’re missing out on a lot of flavour. But with a bit of know-how, we'll never have to be bored by yellow again.
The Greek organic kiwis can be kept for two to three months when stored properly. A customer sent us a recipe for giving the kiwis an even longer shelf life. We tried out the recipe and found it so good we’d like to share it with you.
Our customer Ursula M. makes this delicious vegan mozzarella using ground cashew nuts from gebana Burkina Faso.
The days are getting shorter and colder. Our fresh organic ginger and turmeric arrived just in time for the start of autumn. What better time for us to share a recipe that will strengthen your immune system: golden milk!
Asparagus season is soon coming to an end. You’ll receive the last deliveries from our asparagus producer in the coming days, so here’s a suitable recipe idea from us. You’ll have undoubtedly prepared your favourite recipe often enough in the meantime.
We have had cashew flour in our product range for several years. It was introduced by Linda Dörig, the former managing director of gebana Burkina Faso. Her goal was to generate more value by selling this product. We wanted to find out more.
During her visit, Linda took the opportunity to speak with Talato Adèle ZABA, the head of Cashew Grading.