Recipe: Quinoa salad with mango, avocado and cashews

This quinoa salad with mango, avocado, cashew nuts and a tamari maple syrup dressing is the perfect combination of spicy and refreshing. Recipe by Lena Fuchs, Mein leckeres Leben
This quinoa salad with mango, avocado, cashew nuts and a tamari maple syrup dressing is the perfect combination of spicy and refreshing. Recipe by Lena Fuchs, Mein leckeres Leben
A very easy recipe that's not just for kids! Recipe by Moana Werschler, Miss Broccoli
Dried mangos are every bit as versatile in the kitchen as fresh ones. With the right recipes, they shine in desserts and cakes as well as in savoury dishes.
This layered dessert tastes like mango cheesecake in a jar. Recipe by Moana Werschler, Miss Broccoli
An impressive dessert with ingredients from your pantry? You can do it with this cake! Recipe by Lena Fuchs, Mein leckeres Leben
The quality of the meat from laying chicken breeds is just as high as the meat from broiler chickens. Only the preparation time is a little longer. Pulled chicken is a perfect complement to the freshness of our mangos in this salad. Recipe by Nicole Giger, Mag’s Frisch
These little nut-based treats are vegan and can be prepared without an oven. Recipe by Magdalena Schiefer, Magda mag das
Any leftovers from the last delivery of mangoes or pineapples? If so, or if some of your fruit is damaged, you can still save it by working it into a tasty chutney. Recipe by Alicia Makanja.