

12/12/2019 Insights Fair Trade

Pleasant developments in Togo

For gebana Togo a successful year is slowly coming to an end. During this year, gebana Togo worked with more female farmers than ever before and acquired some new exciting customers. A new EU regulation might have had something to do with the latter.

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10/07/2019 Insights

Making agriculture digital

At the beginning of 2019 we tried something new in Togo: With an app, we wanted to improve and above all simplify the flow of information between family farmers and gebana. Michael Stamm, member of our development team, talks about the experiment and how we will continue.

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09/26/2019 Insights

Indigenous Coffee Farmers in Danger

The situation remains dire in the Zapatista areas in Chiapas, Mexico, where our coffee cooperative Yachil Xojobal Chulchán is located. After a serious fungal infestation on the coffee plantations, they are now besieged by paramilitaries. Merely leaving one’s home is considered dangerous.

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09/18/2019 Company Fair Trade

Why change the rules?

When trade flourishes, countries can develop and economies can grow. This leads to a variety of offerings that are adapted to consumer needs. Production, supply chain, distribution – the entire system becomes more efficient, thus increasing prosperity. So why change the rules of trade? Because wealth is unevenly distributed and we as consumers cannot see the whole picture.

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09/06/2019 Recipes & more

Recipe: Golden Milk

The days are getting shorter and colder. Our fresh organic ginger and turmeric arrived just in time for the start of autumn. What better time for us to share a recipe that will strengthen your immune system: golden milk!

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08/26/2019 Insights Ecology

Brazilian Farmers Are Switching to Organic

Something is happening in Brazil. More and more farmers are turning their backs on deadly pesticides. The Brazilian television station "Rede Globo" presented a piece about gebana Brazil and its organic farmers, which you can view with English subtitles here.

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