

03/30/2022 Production Insights

What is Honey Processed Coffee?

In coffee production, the soil, location and climate of the regions in which our coffee is grown determine its taste. But what happens to the coffee immediately after harvesting plays an equally important role when it comes to aroma. And this is where the honey processing method stands out.

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03/15/2022 Cocoa Fair Trade

Part 1: The value of cocoa

Without cocoa, there can be no chocolate. And without the family farmers who grow these crops, there would be no cocoa. Millions of these family farmers live in poverty. Pricing is only part of the problem. Small-scale farming practices also play a significant role.

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03/10/2022 Ecology

Between the Trees

If you're interested in sustainable agriculture, you'll probably come across the term agroforestry at some point. This concept has the potential to restore natural ecosystems while creating new sources of income for family farmers.

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03/10/2022 Recipes & more Fonio

Recipe: Fonio with Vegetables

A hearty dish with peas and lots of vegetables. Martin provided us with this recipe that he developed himself. Martin Bokonon-Ganta used to work in the gebana warehouse and is originally from Benin. He grew up in the countryside in a large family. They lived mainly on what nature gave them, including various tubers and root crops as well as cereals. From an early age, he was regularly in the kitchen and thus learned how to prepare traditional dishes for the whole family. He shared with us his recipe for a milk fonio with vanilla.

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03/03/2022 Production Ecology

No sheep’s milk cheese without lamb

Every year, tens of thousands of lambs are born so that their mothers can produce milk for sheep and goat cheese. What happens to these lambs? We spoke to two farming families who supply us with lamb’s meat. Wolves also come up in made their way into the conversation.

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