Recipe: Salted Oranges

Very salty oranges that smell lovely and fragrant but are too salty to eat alone. Combine with other dishes, raw or cooked. Recipe by Alexis Goertz, Edible Alchemy
Very salty oranges that smell lovely and fragrant but are too salty to eat alone. Combine with other dishes, raw or cooked. Recipe by Alexis Goertz, Edible Alchemy
People always want to know: "What do I do with 13 kilos of oranges?" We just shake our heads and smile, because we all know that those 13 kilos will be gone in a flash. But if you actually find this amount to be a lot, you might want to try this recipe from one of our customers, Peter Schneider. It also works with other citrus fruits.
Carolin from CaroKocht created a great cookies recipe with our delicious oranges from Greece, dates from Tunisia and chocolate from Togo! Using dates only as a sweetener, these cookies will have intense orange and tahini notes. Thanks to the oats they’re a great way to start you day, especially when you only have time to grab a quick bite. In the afternoon they go well with a cup of coffee or tea. Enjoy!
Still have some delicious oranges left? Hobby chef Silvio Iacconi inspires us once again with a great dessert idea! Note: This recipe is also suitable for other citrus fruits.
Hobby chef Silvio Iacconi shares another recipe idea for our fresh organic oranges. This time a dessert!
Thirteen kilograms of oranges is quite a lot. But they can be used in all sorts of ways, as hobby chef Silvio Iacconi demonstrates. The 27-year-old is currently studying at the Swiss Hotel Management School of Lucerne (SHL). His passion for cuisine began – as he says – “in the cradle.” That’s because his “Nonna”, his grandmother as well as his mother were keen amateur chefs, and so he started helping out in the kitchen at a young age.
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