How to create your own lemon cleaner

Don't throw away lemon peels! With these instructions, you can turn them into an environmentally friendly all-purpose cleaner. By Het Zero Waste Project
November 2021
Don't throw away lemon peels! With these instructions, you can turn them into an environmentally friendly all-purpose cleaner. By Het Zero Waste Project
We are expanding our chocolate range to include products from five pioneers. These five companies are actively fighting injustices in the cocoa trade while producing and trading for the benefit of farming families and the environment.
There are so many great ideas, projects and products out there! So we decided to present a bouquet full of ideas about how we can make the world more sustainable with food and drink. We support these ideas and invite you to join our call to action: let’s change trade – now!
Cashew flour doesn't only taste great as a substitute for butter or for thickening sauces, but also in baking. For instance, in these fluffy cardamom and orange madeleines. Recipe by Sarah-Vanessa, Velvet & Vinegar
Our ground cashews give this reinterpretation of korma a delicate, creamy texture and also provide for proteins in the vegan version! Recipe by Andres Ehrensperger and Rafael Bölsterli,
If you'd like to enjoy a little tropical spirit, go ahead and try out this granola recipe. It’s also ideal if you have a few overripe bananas left over from the last delivery.
We have been active in Togo since 2000. Here you will find a selection of articles about our work on the ground and the situation in the country.