«Hello» from Bianca!
I am Bianca Trevino, 34 years old, born in the USA. I started working for gebana in July 2018. After a year of planning, my partner – Michael Stamm, who also works for gebana – and I decided to move to West Africa. Not an easy decision with an infant (our son Mateo was nine months old at the time). Our life in Benin and Togo is nothing but ordinary, yet fully extraordinary. I am excited to share our experiences with you here in the future.

What’s my background? I studied Fine Arts as well as Landscape Architecture and became an entrepreneur after graduation. Collaboration with other artist has always been a goal of mine, yet many times my own hands where the tools of creation. I started a few small businesses (e.g. a children’s crochet store, a custom design linen and drape studio) and freelanced as landscaper and florist. Later I co-founded a small company called Maya Atman, which makes products out of teak leaves.
Having the opportunity to create with and for gebana is a blessing. I now have the chance to connect with farmers in order to understand their problems, concerns and dreams. I will be the direct contact between you, the farmers and their land. I will help you understand their way of living, their hopes and complications. I will also update you on the development of the fields and the processes the goods pass through before getting into your hands. Along the way I will also share our experiences as a family.
West Africa is not an easy region, this I can tell you already after living here for almost a year! Yet, its simple, colourful, relaxed way of living has its unique exquisiteness.
Please don’t hesitate to ask for specific topics for future blog posts in the comment section.
Until next time!